Hello Vasil,

thank you very much, this seems to solve the problem and I now know
where to look the next time :-)

Kind regards,


Am 05.05.2021 um 17:08 schrieb Vasil Velichkov:
Hi Ralf,

On 05/05/2021 17.38, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
AttributeError: module 'dl5eu' has no attribute 'dvbt_ofdm_synchronization'
Can anybody give me a hint what is happening here?
You most probably need to link the gnuradio's fft component to your OOT block. In your 
CMakeLists.txt find the line that contains `find_package(gnuradio  "3.8" ...` 
and add fft to the list of components. It should looks like this

   find_package(Gnuradio "3.8" REQUIRED COMPONENTS blocks filter fft)

and then in lib/CMakeLists.txt you need to link the gnuradio-fft. Something 
similar to

   target_link_libraries(dl5eu gnuradio::gnuradio-runtime 

Also open python/__init__.py and

except ImportError:


except ModuleNotFoundError:

You can find some more info in 


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