When running the packet loopback example, from version 3.10, it works as
expected without SDR involvement. However when using an SDR sink and source
I have no luck with it working. I have tried using different configurations
of sdrs, frequencies and gain values all known to be working on other
topologies. As an example, I can use my Ettus B205 on a OFDM packet
topology using BPSK and can correctly send and receive packets bar some
padding issues. Using the same UHD with similiar bit rate and gain values
on the packet_loopback_hier example yields nothing.
The only error I that I've received is a ursp sink underflow error which
should be irrelevant. Included is a link of a screenshot of the example
file running. I was told by a colleague that the example has been broken
for a while, but if it works under simulation I don't believe thats the
case. From what I can tell something is not correctly working on the RX
side of the topology, either at the PCS or the HPD. If someone has any
knowledge about the example file and what could be causing it to not work
in my case, I would be delighted to hear about it.

File running: https://imgur.com/a/orVuSZ5

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