
I'm Isaac. I have a tricky thing here instaling images. I have a USRP N210
with FW Version: 12.1 FPGA Version: 10.0. When I prove the pps test, it
says: No PPS detected within the time interval. I believe it is for the
FPGA image(v10). So I tried to update the image and firmware doing:
./uhd_images_downloader.py and later: ./uhd_image_loader
--fpga-path=/usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp_n210_r4_fpga.bin, only once.

I turned off my USRPN210 and now I can't find it (doesn't have IP anymore)
and any light(A,B,C or D) has turned on.

The interesting thing is that I have a second USRP (N200,FW Version: 12.3
FPGA Version: 10.0) with the same PPS problem and I don't want to make the
same mistake again. So...

1. What do you think I did wrong? ¿Do I have to eliminate overwrite-safe in
the command?
2. How could I save my first USRP? Do I have to burn the FW and image with
a burner JTAG directly on the motherboard?

Any help will be appreciate it.
Isaac T.

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