Hello everyone!
I am now going to rewrite the "ofdm frame equalizer" module, but I found that 
the "ofdm_frame_equalizer_vcvc_impl.cc.h" source code refers to 
"ofdm_equalizer_base" and other files. I want to know if I create a new "ofdm 
frame equalizer" OOT module, I copy The content of 
ofdm_frame_equalizer_vcvc_impl.cc .h is modified in "my_ofdm_frame_equalizer.cc 
.h". Do I need to copy "ofdm_equalizer_base" and other files to the /lib and 
/include folders of the newly created OOT module, and then change the namespace?

In fact, I only want to change the function of the equalizer function in the 
"ofdm_equalizer_simpledfe.cc" file, but I don't want to change it directly 
under the gnuradio source tree, because many other blocks will also use it, so 
I create a new one for ofdm equalization OOT, based on the original ofdm frame 

I tried to copy the various .cc .h files corresponding to the ofdm frame 
equalizer module to the directory corresponding to my newly created OOT module. 
I know I need to modify these files, but I don’t know how to do it(As mentioned 
above, I only want to reproduce the "ofdm frame equalizer" function, but I 
don't want to use this fixed modulation equalizer(Suppose I don’t know what the 
modulation method is), so I need to modify the equalizer function in the 
"ofdm_equalizer_simpledfe.cc" file). Can someone Tell me? thanks

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