Hi Chad,

You'll find a fix here, along with a link to the relevant bug report:

It's an unanticipated problem with the older version of CMake used with Ubuntu 
18.04, but the fix will be in the next release.


On 10/27/21 2:50 PM, Chad Spooner wrote:

I'm building gnuradio from source on an Ubuntu 18.04.6 system.

I'm using the instructions from: 

When I get to the step:

    # Note: In the following command, you can add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=XXX to 
install GNU Radio into the PREFIX XXX; if not specified, then the PREFIX is 
/usr/local. See other CMake options in Common cmake flags.

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ../

I get an error relating to numpy:

    -- User set python executable /usr/bin/python3
    CMake Error at cmake/Modules/GrPython.cmake:101 (target_link_libraries):
       Cannot specify link libraries for target "Python::NumPy" which is not 
       by this project.
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
       CMakeLists.txt:318 (include)

    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

numpy is installed and I can 'import numpy' successfully in python3. (In fact I had 
issued "apt-get install *numpy*" previously and it was successful.)

I tried finding this error in my archive of gnuradio discussion-list emails, 
but came up empty, as did my google search.

Any advice?



Chad M. Spooner, PhD
NorthWest Research Associates
301 Webster Street
Monterey, CA 93940
831 582 4904

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