On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 13:54:58 -0500 (EST)
Franco VENTURI <fvent...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Glen,
> using the 'gr-soapy' source and the latest SoapySDRPlay module 
> (https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDRPlay3), you should be able to control 
> biasT by using this argument:
>       biasT_ctrl=true
> (see here for some more details here: 
> https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDRPlay3/issues/21)

I don't have gnuradio-3.8 installed any more, but I do still have
the .grc gr-soapy YAML file for my RSP1A which I used then, and that
definitely has a properties configuration entry for the soapy block
which in my case is "sdrplay_biastee: 'False'", and (as the OP is also
interested in the MF/VHF notches), similar entries for
"sdrplay_dabnotch" and "sdrplay_rfnotch".

These are not present in the YAML file for the built-in soapy block
provided by gnuradio- and later.  To provide a RF notch with that
one I had to supply a device argument of "rfnotch_ctrl=true", along the
lines of the one you have suggested above for bias tee.

So how you do it seems to depend on which version of gnuradio and/or
soapy block you are using.

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