HI all, My name is Zen Chen , a GNU radio Novice and I tried to create an
account on the GNU Radio .org website to post my questions on the mailing
list however I could not . I am using GNU radio and Hack RF 1 to design a
power spectrum analyser and I am using the attached flowgraph to and python
script to give me the attached CSV file however , the results (FFT connect
to file sink) is to large to be contained in a single excel file . Is there
a problem in my GNU Radio Flowgraph?

Chong Zhi
import numpy
import time 

     f = numpy.fromfile(open(r"C:\Users\zench\Documents\Yes933FFT"),dtype=numpy.complex64)

      numpy.savetxt(r"C:\Users\zench\Documents\Yes933_10_12_2021.csv", f, delimiter=",")

Attachment: Yes_933FMBackup3_29 Nov.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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