Hello Federico,

I have a lot of difficulties to generate the output and the tags for the
blocks that follow my TPS Decoder in the flowgraph. That's why I had the
idea to take a different approach.

The OFDM Synchronization block outputs the payload carriers (1705 in 2K
mode) whereas the Demod Reference Symbols block that normally follows
the FFT expects 2048 carriers. My question sounds certainly silly but
would it be possible to fill in the missing carriers with zero carriers
(amplitude and phase == 0) to get 2048 carriers again and thus be able
to use the original DVB-T blocks? As far as I know, in DVB-T the
carriers at the borders are all set to zero (and perhaps the one in the
middle too). Perhaps this would be too simple to be true :-)



Am 10.12.2021 um 14:41 schrieb Ralf Gorholt:
Hi Federico,

indeed, the "symbol_index" tag that is normally sent for each OFDM
symbol is missing. This might cause an unexpected situation for the
following deinterleaver block, "Access not within mapped region"
according to valgrind.

I will see how I can generate the symbol index for each symbol. The
"Demod Reference Signals" block uses the dvbt_pilot_gen object to
parse the input data and to generate symbol and frame indices.

As far as I have understood, in your block OFDM Synchronization you
have combined the symbol acquisition and the FFT. Then you connect a
TMCC decoder that eliminates the TMCC and auxiliary carriers,
generates tags and outputs the data carriers. My idea was to do the
same for the TPS signals in DVB-T.

To my surprise, in principle what I have done seems to work. If not,
my TPS decoder would not be able to correctly decode the TPS
information that changes accordingly when I change settings in the
transmitter, for instance the modulation scheme.

I will focus on the tags and see what is missing.



Am 10.12.2021 um 14:25 schrieb Federico 'Larroca' La Rocca:

I'd be more than happy to help. A couple of things that come into my

The OFDM Synchronization block is a combination of our "old" OFDM
Symbol acquisition (for a while now it's been part of GNU Radio) and
Sync and Channel estimation blocks (which performed equalization and
integer frequency correction) . The most important difference is that
OFDM Synchronization includes a loop with the estimated channel
gains, which in turn is used to estimate the sampling error (plus
fine frequency errors). It also indicates some events downstream via
tags, just like the older blocks. This new "DVB-T OFDM
Synchronization" block should then be a combination, if I'm not
mistaken, of OFDM Symbol Acquisition plus Demod Reference Signals
(I'm sure Ron will know more on this).

Anyhow, my point is that you should take a look at the OFDM Symbol
Acquisition and Demod Reference Signals blocks in GNU Radio, and
check which tags are used and when. Maybe this lack of tags is
generating an unforeseen situation on the downstream blocks which
generate the segfault? Furthermore, if I'm not mistaken, the pilots
in DVB-T (in particular continuous pilots) are not exactly the same
as in ISDB-T. Another possibility is that the Demod Reference Signals
block is not equivalent to our Sync and Channel estimation block, and
further processing is needed for it to be ready for the DVB-T Demap...


El vie, 10 dic 2021 a las 9:55, Ralf Gorholt (<ralf.gorh...@gmx.de>)

    Hi Vasil,

    thank you for your message. As I have no experience with GNU
    Radio and
    command line debugging, your hints may be really helpful. I have
    attached the gdb and valgrind output to this email.

    In the gdb output thread 27 that receives the SIGSEGV is the DVB-T
    "Symbol Inner Interleaver" that comes with GNU Radio, not one of
    my blocks.

    As far as valgrind is concerned, it tells me for my block OFDM
    Synchronization: "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised
    value(s)". I will see if I can find out which variable is
    and how I can get rid of this problem.

    Kind regards,


    Am 10.12.2021 um 12:35 schrieb Vasil Velichkov:
    > Hi Ralf,
    > On 10/12/2021 11.52, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
    >> Unfortunately, when I deactivate the original flowgraph, it
    does no
    >> longer work and I get a -11 return code.
    > The "-11" value means that you got a segmentation fault and the
    process was kill with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
    > https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html
    > In my opinion the easiest way to debug segfaults is to run the
    flowgraph under gdb and valgrind. Open your flowgraph in the
    gnuradio-companion and then Generate (F5) but do not Execute
    (F6). The open a terminal, go where the flowgraph python (.py)
    file was generated and execute
    >   gdb -ex run --args /usr/bin/python3 test.py
    > and then when it stops execute `bt` command in the gdb's shell
    and provide the full output. To run it under valgrind execute
    >   valgrind --tool=memcheck /usr/bin/python3 test.py
    > Adjust the path to your python interpreter and its version if
    > Regards,
    > Vasil

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