On 10/01/2022 13.25, sp h wrote:
> Thanks, I checked it out.  my ldd output is...in gr-ettus/build/lib I had 
> below files, my Gnuradio is 3.8.1, but in gr-ettus i saw 3.8.0
> any offer???
> I rebuilt and install but the same eros.......
> *List files:*
> ibgnuradio-ettus.so.
> libgnuradio-ettus.so        
>  libgnuradio-ettus.so.3.8.0

This is not a problem, this is the gr-ettus' version 

> LDD outputs:
> ldd libgnuradio-ettus.so

The output is OK, no undefined symbols.

Have you tried changing ImportError to ModuleNotFoundError in 
python/__init__.py and do you still get the same error after reinstalling?

> I built Gnuradio 3.8.1 and UHD 4.0.0 from the source in ubuntu 20.04

Which gr-ettus version did you install and from which git commit id?

Provide the full list of files in /usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks?

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