I’m still going to try manually putting these commands in tomorrow, but I don’t 
think they’ll work for the gr-uhd object. There may be a way to use the hijack 
or claim/unclaim options to force the settings after init. I have no idea. 

After you sent this email originally I tried a few different things like 
enabling the TX LO distro with the Python command line, then starting the 
flowgraph.  The LO out lights stayed on, but when I stopped the graph, i 
checked the LO distro flags and they were set to false.  The Lights were still 
on though. So it appears that the internal flags may get reset when the gr-UHD 
multi_usrp object gets initialized. 

I also spent most of the day trying to apply the TX LO equivalents of your 
patches. Unfortunately I’m on UHD and GNURadio 3.9.5 so it’s slightly 
different. I got a make error for the multi_usrp_rfnoc.cpp which I didn’t see a 
patch for in your post. 

Hoping to get this working soon. 

<end transmission>

> On Jan 18, 2022, at 17:07, Daniel Estévez <dan...@destevez.net> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Would this work if you run these calls before the gr-uhd code in the 
> flowgraph instances the device? This can be tested by inserting the code 
> manually. It could be a solution, but I'm not even sure if you can insert a 
> Python snippet in that location. However, if gr-uhd resets these settings 
> when initializing the device, then this approach won't work.
> Best,
> Daniel.
>> El 18/1/22 a las 22:59, Paul Atreides escribió:
>> wow, thanks Daniel!
>> I just bumped an issue on the GNURadio github here 
>> <https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues/5104> I've cross-linked my 
>> comments to gr-ATA as well.
>> <https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues/5104>
>> the python code i'm using to enable the LO distro in the UHD python API is:
>> import uhd
>> import numpy as np
>> usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP()
>> usrp.get_tree().access_bool("/blocks/0/Radio#0/dboard/tx_frontends/0/los/lo1/lo_distribution/LO_OUT_0/export").set(True)
>> usrp.get_tree().access_bool("/blocks/0/Radio#0/dboard/tx_frontends/0/los/lo1/lo_distribution/LO_OUT_1/export").set(True)
>> usrp.get_tree().access_bool("/blocks/0/Radio#0/dboard/tx_frontends/0/los/lo1/lo_distribution/LO_OUT_2/export").set(True)
>> i'm not sure how to work that into a python snippet yet as I think gr-uhd 
>> will claim the radio once the graph is started.

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