Hi Mubashira,

I have created https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues/5528 (Some 
gr-digital/examples/packet do not produce expected tags) to address your 
problem. I think that if you change the trigger to 'Auto' on those two QT GUI 
Time Sinks, you will see the data (but no tags).

You can track the progress on that issue by clicking the link above.

The decision to "backport" a fix to older versions is made by the maintainers. 
However, note that version 3.7 is no longer being maintained.

Be safe,

Barry Duggan KV4FV


P.S. When replying to an email from the newsletter, please Cc 

---- On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 23:38:09 -0600 Mobi Zaman <mobi...@yahoo.com> wrote 

Hi Barry,

I was actually following the Packet Communications tutorial, when I came across 
those example flowgraphs.

Are the older GNU Radio actually being worked on now? Or are the bugs/issues in 
them just being fixed in the more recent versions?


Mubashira Zaman

On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 12:30:29 AM GMT+5, Barry Duggan 
<mailto:ba...@dcsmail.net> wrote:

Hi Mubashira,

When I was writing the 
https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php?title=Packet_Communications tutorial, I 
remember having some problems with the gr-digital/packet examples. If you 
haven't already done so, you might like to look at that tutorial.

I don't have my GR 3.8 computer up right now, but when I get back to it, I will 
look into those examples again.

Best wishes,


Barry Duggan KV4FV


On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 06:51:56 +0000 (UTC), Mobi Zaman wrote:


I am trying to run this flowgraph in gr-digital/packet examples on GNU Radio 
3.8. When I run the flowgraph, the output shows a flat line (amplitude is a 
constant zero).

I do not have enough understanding of these blocks yet to determine what is the 
problem here.

Can anyone please mention how the output can be corrected?

Regards,Mubashira Zaman

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