Yes, that the generated hier block files go to the working directory of
~/.grc_gnuradio is a known bug.


What is the result of


-- Volker
I am facing a problemĀ  using the tutorial. My installation is from
I am using GRC3.10.1.1(Python3.8.10) on OS Ubuntu 20.04.3LTS.
When I generate the flow graph, output files are going to the working
directory and not .grc_gnuradio as mentioned in tutorial. Probably
because of this, they are not appearing in the block tree of GRC. Also,
I get these messages on the terminal.
Warning: vocoder_codec2_decode_ps - option_attributes are for enums
only, ignoring
 >>> Warning: vocoder_codec2_encode_sp - option_attributes are for enums
only, ignoring
May not be relevant, but I observe whenever I open the terminal, the
following line appears before the command prompt.
PYTHONPATH: command not found
Please help me in configuring GRC properly. Or do i have to install
gnuradio in home directory instead of system installation?

Best Regards,
vsrk sarma

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