So here comes the first wrinkle: I'm doing this in a conda environment and
not using libs in /usr.  Additionally, I am using a version of protobuf I

I believe that I found the problem.  I've been using a script to setup
conda with a few packages that I need.  I believe that at some point I
added a package that had protobuf as a dependacy.  This version of protobuf
conflicted with the version that I was compiling by hand.  After getting
rid of the version I compiled by hand, and explicitly installing conda's
version, everything seems to work fine.

There is also a chance there was an issue related to the protoc path.  I
noticed that when using swig from conda that find_package(SWIG) would find
the correct library, but the wrong swig executable.  Something similar may
have been happening with find_package(Protobuf) and protoc.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 4:02 AM Vasil Velichkov <>

> Hi Jameson,
> On 16/02/2022 21.49, Jameson Collins wrote:
> > I have an OOT module that uses Protobuf.  Normally I link this against
> >, however when I do this and attempt to import my module in
> > python, I get errors about undefined symbols.
> Normally this should not happen. What Linux distribution are you using and
> what version? Can you provide the full output of
>   ldd -r $(find /usr/ -name "*")
> Also link with, go in your OOT build's directory and
> execute
>   ldd -r ./lib/lib*.so
> and provide the full output as well.
> Regards,
> Vasil

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