
I came across a situation that you described.  I had a breakpoint, and I 
disabled it after hitting it.  Sure enough, it brroke there again.  It seems to 
be hitting it from another thread.  So, check your call stack when you come 
across that situation and it may be that it is coming from another thread.  I'm 
not sure why it does it that way, maybe because all threads hit the breakpoint 
and VSC is just cycling through all of the breaks (?).  I haven't spent much 
time on investigating it because it wasn't stopping me from doing what I needed 
to do.

Just a thought,

From: Discuss-gnuradio <discuss-gnuradio-bounces+e070832=hotmail....@gnu.org> 
on behalf of David Cherkus <dcher...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 9:44 AM
To: GNURadio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Using VSCode With gr-tutorial

Thanks for the helpful info, Jeff.  I did try using the breakpoint window to 
clear all breakpoints last night and it didn't change anything.  I'll play 
around with it some more later today.   I'm a total noob with VS Code so it 
could be some form of 'user error'.


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