Hi Mike,

sorry, I'm afraid there's none such repo yet (at least to the best of my 

Just tried to rebuild the source rpm from a Fedora 36¹ on Rocky 8.5, and that failed, because it needs boost >= 1.69, and the "native" version is 1.66, and even if you manually installed boost169-devel, you'd need to explicitly set the path to the right Boost headers. (Also, a couple of things are missing from rocky linux, like sndfile-devel, which is a hard requirement for the wavfile sink/source blocks, and I don't know whether qt5 works out... this takes time to understand.)

So, nothing about this is unfixable, but I haven't (and sadly I think nobody else has) done it so far and packaged current GNU Radio.

Best regards,

¹ In case anyone's curious:
on any fedora machine,

dnf --releasever=36 download --source --url gnuradio

to get the source URL;

then whip up a Rocky Linux 8.5 container (I guess rocky Linux would be the same, exactly, and of course RHEL, which I don't have a subscription for)

dnf install --refresh -y rpm-build dnf-utils rpmfusion-free-release
yum-builddep -y --skip-unavailable gnuradio-*.fc36.src.rpm
dnf install -y python3-qt5 boost169-devel
rpmbuild -rb gnuradio-*.fc36.src.rpm

... which then fails due to boost. If it worked, it would give you a full suite of installable GNU Radio rpms.

On 27.02.22 16:34, Mike wrote:
Thank you for your response.  Is there a repository for a more recent version, 
like 3.10?



On 2/27/2022 3:33 AM, Vasil Velichkov wrote:
Hi Mike,

You can install gnuradio from the EPEL repository.



On Sun, Feb 27, 2022, 07:05 Mike <mike.nel...@rdss.com> wrote:


    I'm moving an existing application that relies on GNURadio from Ubuntu
    to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5.

    The default RHEL repositories don't know about gnuradio:

    > $ sudo yum install gnuradio
    > Updating Subscription Management repositories.
    > Last metadata expiration check: 0:52:27 ago
    > No match for argument: gnuradio
    > Error: Unable to find a match: gnuradio
    Which repository do I need to add in order to install the current gnuradio?


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