
When tests are done in C++, they also must be compiled, which adds to the
overall gnuradio compilation time.  In-tree the c++ tests are reserved
mainly for testing the really low level like buffers.
I agree with you that an all c++ target makes debugging easy, but you can
launch the python flowgraphs with the GDB debugger using program:
"/usr/bin/python3" and args: /path/to/the/


On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 8:37 AM Jeff S <> wrote:

> I started writing some QA tests which were missing for some blocks I’m
> working on (in maint-3.9).  I decided to compare using Python vs using C++
> when building new tests.  When I started looking into the C++ tests, it
> seems that there are not a lot of examples around, so I started wondering
> why people may stick to Python over C++.
> I found Python quicker to code and easier to see what’s being tested, but
> C++ would run the same test as the Python much quicker (according to the
> time output from make test).  Writing in C++ also gives me the ability to
> run Visual Studio Code in debug easier and target sections of code under
> test, which is a very nice feature.  Visual Studio Code seems to have
> problems with mixed languages under its visual debugging.
> Are there other aspects of Python for QA tests that I’m missing as to why
> it’s the preferred method?  I’m indifferent as to the tool used because
> I’ll use whatever gets the job done, so I’m not trying to make this a
> language pro/con question.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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