yes that works fo me.
The reason i had this trouble initially is the CondaInstall on gnuradio
wiki says to activate default environment prior to running cmake.
So, i can compile it now with gnuradio environment activated.

But this OOT module includes posix header files sys/resources.h and
sys/syscalls.h, which arent available on windows, so it seem it would be a
porting job to run this OOT in windows.

thanks for your help!

On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 6:01 AM Ryan Volz <> wrote:

> Hi Wayne,
> You shouldn't need specifically gnuradio=3.8.2 for gr-lora_sdr (despite
> what their README says), and that fails because there was no
> gnuradio-build-deps package at the time of that release. Try it with
> gnuradio=3.8 instead.
> You do need gnuradio-build-deps installed into your "gnuradio" environment
> and not "base" (exception: you've installed gnuradio into "base" and just
> want to just that, which I generally don't recommend).
> The necessary compiler package is installed by gnuradio-build-deps, so no
> need to install cxx-compiler.
> Finally, yes, run CMake on the OOT with the "gnuradio" environment active
> so that it has everything it needs.
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> On March 10, 2022 11:38:22 PM EST, Wayne Roberts <>
> wrote:
>>   is it possible (since the OOT needs 3.82 of gnuradio), your step 2:
>>     conda create -n gnuradio gnuradio=3.8.2 gnuradio-build-deps
>> that results in conflicts
>> It looks like gnuradio is installed via conda with environment gnuradio
>> activated.
>> But its not clear if gnuradio-build-deps needs also be installed with
>> the active environment set to gnuradio vs base.
>> Also cxx-compiler installed in which environment.
>> And then finally, running cmake on the OOT module in the same environment.
>> On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 3:13 PM Ryan Volz <> wrote:
>>> Hi Wayne,
>>> On 3/10/22 5:21 PM, Wayne Roberts wrote:
>>> > when i say that gnuradio works on windows, that doesnt include UHD.
>>> > When i plug in B100, and point windows 11 device management to the
>>> unzipped, it just ignores the contents.
>>> > But run it ok in ubuntu now.
>>> Getting the USB driver installed for any device is always going to be an
>>> external step that no GNU Radio package can help with, but if the UHD
>>> documentation is not getting you there then I recommend giving the generic
>>> WinUSB driver a try as documented here:
>>> >
>>> > The OOT module i build and run is
>>> <
>>> > It is for 3.8.2, so i must install that version of gnuradio, and on
>>> ubuntu hold back the update on package management.
>>> Ah, GR 3.8 might be a little trickier since the Wiki documentation has
>>> been updated to correspond to 3.9/3.10. That said, nothing about that OOT
>>> looks like it would necessarily make the process more difficult.
>>> >
>>> > On windows though, with conda,  for building that I have the VS2015
>>> installed and cmake finds that, but cmake stops at finding MPLIB (or MPIR)
>>> on windows.
>>> VS2017 might be necessary, or at least have the "MSVC v141 - VS2017 C++
>>> x64/x86 build tools (v14.16)" component selected for inclusion in your
>>> Visual Studio installation.
>>> > Also note that in conda, cmake and git are not installed by default.
>>> I'm not sure if base should be activated when installing cmake and git.
>>> Something seems off here since `mpir` and `cmake` should both be
>>> installed in an environment where `gnuradio-build-deps` and `gnuradio-core`
>>> are installed. `git` is not required for the build, only for how you're
>>> getting the source, so it would be necessary for you to install the `git`
>>> package manually.
>>> Let me be explicit about how I think this should work:
>>> 1) Start from an activated base conda environment:
>>>      conda activate base
>>> 2) Create a new environment, say "gnuradio", that contains `gnuradio`
>>> and, since you want to build an OOT, `gnuradio-build-deps`.
>>>      conda create -n gnuradio gnuradio gnuradio-build-deps
>>> 3) Activate your "gnuradio" environment.
>>>      conda activate gnuradio
>>> 4) Install any extra dependencies you might need for your OOT (for
>>> gr-lora_sdr it looks like that would be nothing).
>>>      conda install ...
>>> *) At this point, you should be in an environment where `mpir` and
>>> `cmake` are installed.
>>>      conda list
>>> (output includes `mpir` and `cmake`)
>>> 5) Execute CMake and the build steps as described on the wiki.
>>> If you're doing all of that and it's still failing, post the CMake
>>> output and `conda list` from the environment that is active when you're
>>> doing the build.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ryan

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