I will explain more. I need to make two softwares which interact with
each other by sending data (E.g: image, video,...) using GNU Radio
Companion. The first is the sender and the second is the receiver which are
composed by GNU Radio Blocks to build a communication channel like the

1/ (Sender): Signal Source -> (Modulation, Encoding, Filtering...) ->

2/ (Receiver): Antenna -> (Demodulation, Decoding, Filtering...) -> Sink.

Briefly I am looking for ressources, examples of communication channel and
documentation about gnu radio blocks. I have already finished with the GNU
Radio tutorial that you sent me.

Thank you in advance,

Have a nice day Sir,

On Fri, 11 Mar 2022, 11:36 Marcus Müller, <mmuel...@gnuradio.org> wrote:

> Hi Abu,
> sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but: What's the thing you need
> to simulate
> specifically?
> If you need to get a headstart we really just freshly overhauled
> https://tutorials.gnuradio.org , which ideally should give you all the
> skills you need to
> build your own simulations!
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 08.03.22 11:16, Abu Baraa wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I hope this email finds you well,
> >
> > I need some resources about gnuradio to prepare for my Master thesis
> which is about
> > SDR-based image transmission in a simple DAC communication channel using
> USRP-2920 as
> > hardware and GNU Radio Companion as Software on Linux Mint as OS.
> >
> > I need just a simulation of a simple DAC digital communication channel
> to understand more
> > about the GNU radio components (if there are explanations of each
> component, I'd also like
> > that).
> >
> > Happy to hear from you soon,
> > Have a nice day!

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