Hello everyone,

I am trying to implement a bandwidth segmentizer (cutting a given bandwidth 
into smaller channels) and energy detector using GNU Radio, as schematically 
shown here below, but I am experiencing some 
More precisely, to achieve the desired result, I have tried to implement two 
python blocks, given in the attached archive, in files 
"compute_average_power.py" and "custom_thres.py".
The goal of those blocks is to compute the average power contained in all the 
channels (compute_average_power.py), and feed that computed value to a 
self-made threshold block (custom_thres.py).
So far, the implementation does not work.
I have already learned in this 
 thanks to Markus Müller that using np.mean (where np is short for numpy) is 
bad because it depends on the length of input_items.
I have however not been able to reach the desired result. Can someone help me 
out ?

Thank you, have a nice day,

P. S. : the whole, complete, code is given in the attached archive, in the 
"bw_segmentizer.py" file.

<<attachment: archive.zip>>

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