On 2022-03-16 20:53, Wayne Roberts wrote:
I had to wipe & fresh install this ubuntu.
Perhaps somebody has a better explanation of whats going on for such a simple thing. Its ubuntu 21.10, and repo has gnuradio-3.8.2 and uhd-3.15, thats ok the version i need (although if somebody wants 3.9 maybe a problem with Release file)

put the images into /usr/share/uhd/images

uhd_config_info --print-all
shows Images directory as nothing (no path)

after i set environment variable
export UHD_IMAGES_DIR=/usr/share/uhd/images
then uhd_usrp_probe downloads firmware and shows my B100 correctly, all OK after setting this environment var.
FOr whatever reason, they built UHD without a default images directory, so, you have to use the ENV variable.    This is a Ubuntu packaging thing, rather than
  a fault in UHD or Gnu Radio.

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