Salut JM,

Thank you. This was as simple as that. Problem solved.

See you,

Le 22/03/2022 à 11:45, jmfriedt a écrit :
Salut Maxime,
a lot of arguments seem to have changed with UHD4. In the
UHD: USRP Source, go to RF Options and for each board define
Ch i: Antenna
manually, replacing the TX/RX tab entry with your own.
I use "A" setting.

Probably your Subdev Spec that might have been defined with UHD3
is no longer valid as well: in the General menu of UHD Source I had
to set
A:0 B:0
under Mb0: Subdev Spec.
Not sure how this setting relates to
and the description that
Antenna Mode A: real signal from antenna RXA
Antenna Mode B: real signal from antenna RXB
for the BasicRX.

Best, JM

I am using a X310 under uhd4.1.0.5, gnuradio 3.8 and rfnoc.
Whenever I use an antenna mode with either usrp sink or source, I get
an error stating: invalid antenna mode: RX/TX

python error is:
return_uhd_swig.usrp_source_sptr_set_antenna(self, ant, chan)

How to solve this?

Thanks in advance,

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