Hello GNU Radio community and friends of UHD,

On behalf of everyone at NI/Ettus Research, I am pleased to announce the
release of UHD 4.2[1], the latest version of the USRP Hardware Driver! UHD
4.2 brings new enhancements to the USRP X410, notably:

* A new shipping bitfile, X410_CG_400, enabling 100 GbE 4x4 streaming
support at 491.52 MS/s. An app note detailing system setup and results is
* X410 DRAM record/replay support. This allows the use of the DRAM in a
custom RFNoC application design to capture data from the radio front end or
for waveforms to be uploaded from the host to be generated by the radio.
* X410 GPIO support, including timed commands.

Of course, there are also many bug fixes and improvements across the entire
range of supported USRP devices. Be sure to check out the changelog at [1]
for the full list. And as with any release, let us know of any problems by
filing an issue against UHD on the GitHub repo[2] or by posting to the
USRP-users mailing list.

With very best regards,

[1] https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/releases/tag/v4.2.0.0
[2] https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/issues/

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