This was solved in chat via some hints from Ryan.

In short, I was wrong thinking that GR was using C++20 by default, and had to 
set it.

I did in lib/CMakeLists.txt near the target definition:


    On Friday, July 8, 2022, 7:09:14 PM EDT, David Cherkus <> 
 So, am working with a new C++ OOT I just made under GR 3.10 using gr_modtool.

All the code created by gr_modtool compiled fine.

I added a header file that uses std::popcout and got the compiler error: 
error: 'popcount' is not a member of 'std';

So std::popcout is a C++20 feature... Is there something I need to do in the 
cmake files to tell it to use C++20?  I thought GR 3.10 did use it by default?  
How do I check what version the compiler is configured for?



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