First you should build a packet detector which can determine if there is a
packet over the air or not. This can be done by detecting channel power
Then you can cut out the part of I/Q stream which just includes one packet.
After that you can run frequency demod on the packet.
To demod this kind of burst please consider it as an optimizing procedure:
you guess the center freq, symbol phase and symbol rate of the FSK burst,
making both the freq and symbol timing error minimized.

Peter Lambrechtsen <> 于2022年7月10日周日 18:20写道:

> Hello,
> Excuse my ignorance as I am fairly new to gnuradio but I am trying to
> figure out how best to capture a data stream that is in the ISM band that
> also has frequency hopping.
> Channel spacing of 25kHz
> It has two data bit rates of 62.5bps and 500bps
> Starting at 910.5Mhz and going up to 919.975 and in there it has 6 sub
> bands of 60 channels it hops between sequentially between the frequencies
> in the sub band every 0.4s
> I'm wondering what the best approach would be to capture the data and
> figure out when the timing frame was to determine which was the
> initial frame as then it should be able to follow the sequential hopping.
> Still trying to work on the blocks to capture all the traffic as I haven't
> figured that out yet as I am just working off the specification and trying
> to understand the Frequency Xlating FIR Filter to at least capture one FSK
> stream to make sure it is sane what I should be receiving, then move to the
> frequency hopping.
> Thanks, Peter

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