Hi Isaac,

I am not sure what you are trying to achive. However, your low pass filter seems to be set up incorrectly. You have a signal with 1MHz and 10MHz samplerate. Your low-pass filter has a cutoff at 5MHz and then down-samples by 100. If you want to make sure that there are no frequency components aliased during the downsampling step, you should have a cutoff of 100kHz or below. When you set the cutoff to 100k and the transition width to 50k, you get a nice constant rect at the output.

Hope that helps.

Am 20.07.22 um 19:03 schrieb isaac mario tupac davila:
Hello everyone

My name is Isaac. I'm dealing with a curious behaviour that I can't understand...

I'm generating my pulsed signal by multiplying a vector source and a signal source. Then I'm multiplying this pulsed signal with a continuous signal source at the same frequency, passing then for a low pass filter and seeing it in a time sink block.

The result should be a set of rectangles with the same amplitude and period. The curious thing here is that the amplitude varies in time (from 0 to max amplitude and vice versa). Any idea why the amplitude varies in time?

I attach the flowgraph just in case.

Any idea or help will be appreciated.
Isaac t.

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