GNU Radio - I'm new to GNU Radio and have been impressed with it! It seems
like GNU Radio is a block based processing framework and I was interested
in using it for modem development. I would normally create a C/C++
simulation all from scratch, but I'd have to build my own modem development
environment. Does anyone know if the GRN Radio framework supports full
modem lifecycle development? For instance, here are a few of the features
that would need to be supported:

1. floating point implementation
2. fixed-point implementation
3. optimization of bit-widths in fixed-point implementation
4. BER performance measurements
5. acquisition performance measurements
6. performance measurements under degraded conditions
7. performance measurements under multipath conditions
8. automated performance testing of all of the above
9. distributed performance testing across multiple workstations
10. HW accelerated assisted distributed performance testing
11. etc.

Sang Go (GVoice 571-303-9396)

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