Hello GNURadio Community,

I designed an FM receiver in Gnuradio-Companion to receive an FM broadcast
signal from the Hackrf One. I am running Gnuradio-Companion 3.9 on Ubuntu
20.04 inside VirtualBox 6.1. I installed the Hackrf software on Ubuntu and
set VirtualBox USB port to see the Scott Gadget Hackrf One. Problem is:
when I execute the command "hackrf_info" in the Ubuntu Terminal, it reads
the Board ID, Firmware Version, and Part Number, but says the hackrf_info
version and libhackrf version are "unknown". This is a snapshot of the
terminal response from executing the hackrf_info query:
[image: image.png]

I cannot find any info online to solve this problem (allow the Terminal
query “hackrf_info” to return all the board information). As a result when
I run the GRC flow graph, it fails because it cannot open hackrf. I would
appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you!

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