Cinaed -

On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 06:31:17PM -0800, Cinaed Simson wrote:
> Hi Larry - try
>   apt install libsndfile1-dev

Yes, I confirm that is the solution.  Thanks!
Although it's more practical to
  apt-get install --no-install-recommends libsndfile1-dev
to keep xtrx-dkms out of it.  Both specifically because of
  xtrx-dkms: DKMS build fails with implicit declaration of functions
and philosophically to keep unused dependencies out of my system.

> Since you installed gnuradio form Debian, you can always install gr-osmosdr
> from Debian and it will match your gnuradio install.

True!  Although I then needed libsndfile1-dev for the next
builds on my list,

I also admit I'm still baffled how this missing dependency caused
cmake to crash trying to link (g++) with -l sndfile::sndfile.

  - Larry

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