On 06/05/2023 16:40, Marcus Müller wrote:

Yep, that'd be rate-1; you don't need to squint much to see that the N-point-DFT has exactly N (=often 2ᵐ) such entries, and when you send N symbols in parallel, you get a DSSS-single-user-CDMA system called OFDM :D
But that's not on bit-level.

Hi Marcus,

I wasn't speaking of sending 2^n codes simultaneously, but rather choosing one code out of a set of 2^n (our alphabet) to encode m bits and transmit that. Afterwards, choose another code out of the same set to encode the next m bits and transmit it. Etc.

In your OFDM example (really good point!), instead of OFDM (where you transmit in all subcarriers simultaneously), we would get 2^n-FSK (where we choose a subcarrier each time), with the possibility of having each tone be QAM modulated, if you wish to complicate it further and by analogy to OFDM.

While OFDM has the same uncoded BER as the QAM modulation you use in each subcarrier (it's really 2^n parallel and independent channels), this kind of 2^n-FSK+QAM doesn't have the same BER, I believe.

The (Fast) Hadamard transform is one of these things to decompose an arbitrary 2ᵐ length binary vector into orthogonal binary vectors of the same length (and I was pointed to it when a student of mine, someone else I forget and I were discussing how to make two uncorrelated random vectors from a single 64bit random vector in the context of WGN generation).

Unfortunately the Hadamard transform is not so good for spread spectrum. Some of the vectors you get have really ugly, non-spread spectrum (for example, one of the vectors is all 1's). The Hadamard transform has many other advantages, though.

In this sense, using different DSSS codes actually achieves some coding gain that justifies bandwidth expansion, whereas the alternative approach of using a single PN sequence modulated in BPSK is as you say a repetition code and doesn't provide any coding gain.

Yep, in the end this is finding a constellation in a higher-dimensional space that has better distance than the N times the embedding in 1d space. It's probably sphere packing all the way down.

An interesting problem is to consider coherent decoding of an N-symbol alphabet chosen from the vector space \mathbb{C}^n, where you are free to choose n as large as you want (or you can also do it in continuous time, but it doesn't change what happens).

The decision error probability basically depends on the angles between the N symbols, so it is advantageous to make these angles as large as possible.

The optimal solution that maximizes the minimum angle between the vectors is pretty neat. For N=2 you choose two opposite symbols (+1 and -1), so the angle is 180deg. For N=3 you choose the vertices of an equilateral triangle, so the angle is 120deg. For N=4 you choose the vertices of a regular tetrahedron, so the angle is ~109deg. In higher dimension we get a regular (N-1)-simplex. I haven't bothered to compute how the angle between vertices behaves as N->infty, but it probably tends to 90deg.

Choosing vectors following this solution is usually not convenient (people often want each component of the vectors to have the same amplitude, etc.). So orthogonal codes are a good alternative and more flexible solution, that is almost optimal for large N.

Now, of course this utterly disagrees with my gut feeling. We're doing a base transform, keeping the bit energy constant. We invert the process under white noise and are supposed to get a gain?! But that's the difference between "classical" DSSS (and the OFDM up there) with the consideration that N-FSK might be a better embedding in N-dimensional complex space than m BPSK symbols would be: we're not necessarily "going back" before making the decision. Some representations are smarter than others to make decisions.

Yup. How you map your bits into symbols, and specially the geometry of those symbols (understood as vectors in C^n or C^[0,Ts]) matters. In fact there is a Shannon capacity for a binary-input channel and another (larger) Shannon capacity for an unconstrained input channel.

Surely this idea is very far from getting us a capacity-achieving code (any simple FEC beats uncoded m-FSK even if m is pretty large). But on the other hand, the typical bandwidth expansions of a DSSS system are on the order of 100x or more. I would be curious to know if there's an r=1/100 code that is good and can be implemented in practice.

There's a former colleague of mine who did[1] error-correcting codes for quantum key exchange reconciliation if you're interested in low-rate codes

The idea is that you have like LDPC codes very much, and wonder how you can construct them for low rates so that you don't go directly insane while en- and even more importantly while decoding.

That's an interesting idea! My main experience designing my own LDPC codes is with high rate code. My understanding from the literature is that for high rate codes it's relatively easy to pick a near-capacity-achieving code (degree distribution doesn't matter so much, random codes from the ensemble are very likely to be good, etc.). For lower rate codes (and I'm talking about r=1/6, not something crazy like r=1/100) I remember that things get much more subtle and people come up with crazy ideas for degree distributions.

You then decide to doodle a small/moderate LDPC-typical Tanner graph, where you draw a couple of edges with more than one line. Call that a protograph.
> [...]
That way, you can construct a long low-rate code from a smaller Tanner-like-graph, drastically reducing the number of short cycles.

I'm quite familiar with the protograph construction. This is what the CCSDS LDPC codes use.

If I remember correctly, one of the properties of a protograph code is that the rate of the (expanded) code is the same as the rate of the protograph. So for a rate r=1/100 you need to put in at least 100 variable nodes and 99 check nodes in your protograph. Already this looks like a tough problem! It's certainly more complex than the CCSDS codes I'm used to (Figure 8-4 in https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/130x1g3.pdf).

Things get a bit unhandy even at the abstraction level "protograph" for extremer rates, so Kadir came up with an abstraction level on top of that (where you stop caring about which node of multi-edge degree ("type") is which, you just keep track of how many nodes of which types are connected to which during design).

Ah, so you fix a degree distribution of sorts, if I understood correctly, and then build the protograph according to this distribution "procedurally".

For decoding, standard sum-product algorithm should do, so, "reasonably fast".

I can believe this. Compared to your typical r=1/2 code, in a very low rate code you just have almost twice as many check nodes. So belief-propagation would probably be only twice as expensive.

Probably there are diminishing returns when r -> 0, and decoding cost blows up. Hence the usual idea of concatenating a DSSS-repetition-code and an outer usual FEC (maybe not an r=4/5 Turbo, but r=1/6).

Well, the keywords "concatenating", "low-rate" and "outer FEC" combine in my head to suggest one looks into three things:

1. Turbo codes with something like a mother code rate of 1/3 (I think LTE has such a thing?) and a lot of repetitions. I think such things were used in deep space missions (?),

Not that I have heard of. Current Turbo codes for deep-space missions do not use repetitions (reference: same CCSDS document I linked above). I think the current choice of codes date back to the first time they were introduced in deep space after their invention. On the other hand, in the past people played with more exotic things, such as long constrain length convolutional codes. Maybe this is what you had in mind.


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