
Considering your sample ranges are contiguous you might be able to get away
with using the stream to streams block or stream demux block. Take a look
if one of those might suffice.


On Tue, May 30, 2023, 2:28 PM Alon Simon Levin <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a tagged stream block that takes in a fixed number of samples and
> outputs a subset onto a single stream. I want to extend this functionality
> to output two subsets of the input stream to two separate outputs, with an
> unequal number on each one.
> For example, for an input stream of 5000 samples, I am currently routing
> samples 1000-1999 to the output. I would like to extend this so that I send
> samples 1000-1099 to Output 1 and samples 1100-1999 to Output 2.
> Is there an easy way to do this? I've looked through the blocks coding
> guide but am very confused about how noutput_items works in this scenario.
> I would appreciate any help on this matter!
> Best,
>     Alon
> --
> *Alon S. Levin*
> Ph.D. Student
> Wireless & Mobile Networking Lab, Columbia University
> | (347) 225-7433

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