On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 8:40 PM Clint Scarborough <
clinton.scarboro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to run GNURadio with the RFNoC Fosphor block.  I first tried
> building UHD 4.4 and GNURadio 3.10 or 3.11.  I had read the Readme for
> gr-ettus that said for GR3.10 to just use gr-uhd directly.  In GNURadio
> Companion, I see most of the UHD blocks, including RFNoC blocks like
> Fosphor, but searching the available blocks for fosphor doesn't give any
> other results - though I believe I need an RFNoC Fosphor display block.
> Am I missing something?

This came up just the other day on the chat channel.  It's currently in
main but not in any release since it isn't well vetted.  You can see the
controller here:


So it's currently in the qtgui components - so build the latest UHD (tagged
is fine) and the latest main GNU Radio to get what you need.  I've had
issues getting the GUI to be responsive when the fosphor display is going,
but I haven't spent a lot of time debugging it.

I am attaching the yml for the rfnoc_image_builder X310 build I did that
goes with the flowgraph.


Attachment: fosphor.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

Attachment: x310_fosphor.yml
Description: application/yaml

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