Dear Community,

GNU Radio Conference 2023 is coming closer! (It takes place starting Sep. 5 in Tempe, Arizona, USA. Tickets happen to be $100 cheaper until 2023-08-18 [0].)

== Keynotes ==

The Conference Organizers are quite happy to see an excellent list of Keynote speakers[1] come together for the four conference days:

With Lindy Elkins-Tanton, we have been able to secure the NASA Principal Investigator for the Psyche Mission, and an all-around impressive scientist and research leader on the formation of rocky planets. If being elected into the National Academy of Sciences is not enough credit: there's an asteroid named after her. On the technical and historical side, I'm personally looking forward to seeing Eric Blossom again: he, as the first head of architecture, has been formative to the things that make GNU Radio what it is. Currently, he's working on high-speed satellite radios. Don't forget that SDR involves, famously, not only software, but also radio. Constantine Balanis' contributions to the field of radio technology are not limited to his authorship of the standard textbook on antennas – he's been at the forefront of EM simulation and RF channel theory and thus set many cornerstones for wireless communications and sensing applications everywhere. Of course, if we invite GNU Radio's history, we should also be inviting someone working on the future of GNU Radio: That'd be Ralph Steinhagen, head developer for systems integration at FAIR, one of the largest and technically most advanced particle accelerators, who, together with his team, is putting in all the work to bring a shared vision of GNU Radio 4.0 to life.

== Workshops ==

But the value of a conference is not found exclusively in the higher-profile talks, but also in the ways that it enables people to actually have a closer look at things, together. Workshops [2] have been a staple of GRCon's popularity for years, and this year is no exception with a total count of 10 workshops, covering topics from basic DSP, over GNU Radio use, transceiver design, embedded Linux-based SDR development, and FPGA usage on SDR devices, to FOSS 5G network setup with srsRAN.

== Sponsors ==

As you might guess, organizing all this takes effort – and executing takes a lot of funds. Hence, we're very glad we've found sponsors [3] for this year's GRCon. Next to a few industry-standard names, it's especially nice to see breakthrough startups and research organizations take up the chance to present themselves to the GNU Radio audience. You can, when buying tickets [0], directly choose a Patron Ticket, which gives you a cheap opportunity to place your logo on the GRCon website; if that's what you want to do, or if you care for other sponsorship packages, don't hesitate to reach out to

So, for now: I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

-- Marcus


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