I'm still a gnuradio newbie and I'm making simple tests just to understand
how buffers work.

I wrote a block that simply tags the first and the last sample of an
output_items buffer.  Tags also contain the absolute index of the sample.
For example the first sample of  a buffer is marked as XXXX_F: YYY where
XXXX is the absolute index and YYY is the value of the sample. The last
sample is marked: XXXX_L: YYYY.

The block is connected to an QT GUI Time sink in order to display samples
and tags.

Sometimes I get tags duplicated in the chart: some samples have two
identical tags with the same absolute index. I'm pretty sure my block is
not duplicating samples in the output.

I also connected to my block a Tag Debug block and I never get duplicated
tags on the standard output. I could send the (trivial) code of my block
if you need.

Any idea?


PS. attached is an image showing a duplicated tag

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