On 15/12/2023 15:58, Manuel Caldas wrote:
Hi all,
I am using an Ettus b200 mini for transmitting a tone at 4GHz (which
in turn feeds a radiometer), through a signal source block and a USRP
Sink. Also in my flowgraph I have a Qt GUI Range for manually setting
the USRPs Gain. I manually change the gain and see perfectly in a
fosphor sink how the power spectrum changes accordingly.
What I now want to do is to make the Gain follow a gaussian evolution
over time (a single pulse is fine), which of course is not practical
nor accurate to accomplish by manually changing the gain slider.
So, is there any way to achieve this? I'm using grc (Python
3.11.6) on a win 10 PC.
(btw, what I am actually trying to do is to simulate the transit of a
radioastronomical point signal in front of an antenna, and see how my
radiometer responds to that).
Best regards and thanks in advance!
I would instead of changing the RF gain, change the baseband magnitude
over time -- probably using a custom embedded
Python block -- if the sample rates aren't too high.