
I have usrp x310 and daughterboard UBX-160. It is connected to ADC and I
measured the noise level after the ADC.

I try to understand how to  configure it to normal noise level after stop

I got 2 cases with different noise level at the RF output:

Case A - the usrp is turned on without Tx since then.

Case B - the USRP is turned on, it Tx for several seconds,then I stop tx
from gnuradio , the USRP is turned on but without Tx.

Why the noise level in case B is 2.4 times higher than Case A?

And is there a way to lower the noise level without physically turn off the
USRP? Any API commands to send?

Seemed like there is a configuration loading to the RF chain so the noise
level increases and stays like that even after stop Tx.

Thanks a lot

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