Hi Dave,

nope, not the way it should be. You should have uninstalled your GNU Radio first!
Anyways, what is happening now is that Python loads the Python GRC module in version, but your GNU Radio binaries (and also probably your libraries) are loaded in version

That's going to fail. Please uninstall your (go to the build/ directory, `sudo make uninstall`) first, then check /usr/local for all things that might be remainders of your now dysfunctional installation, and remove them. Especially /usr/local/lib*/python*/{site,dist}-packages/gnuradio* will contain outdated stuff.

Afterwards, do a clean build (meaning: remove everything from build/, and run `cmake` again, run make, run make install).

Best regards,

On 01.03.24 14:19, David Cherkus wrote:
I just built GNUradio from source on Debian 11 x86 64 bit.
Even after a reboot, GRC and GNUradio's versions don't match?
dcherkus@dmin:~$ gnuradio-config-info --version3.10.9.2dcherkus@dmin:~$ 
gnuradio-companion --helpusage: gnuradio-companion [-h] [--log 
{debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [flow_graphs ...]
GNU Radio Companion This program is part of GNU Radio GRC comes with 
ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.This is free software, and you are welcome to 
redistribute it.
Both programs have the same date stamp and are the only ones installed (I never 
install the Debian packages).
dcherkus@dmin:~$ ls -lLt /usr/bin/gnu*ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/gnu*': No such 
file or directorydcherkus@dmin:~$ ls -lLt /usr/local/bin/gnu*-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 
1182160 Mar  1 07:35 /usr/local/bin/gnuradio-config-info*-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    
2985 Mar  1 07:34 /usr/local/bin/gnuradio-companion*dcherkus@dmin:~$ apt list 
|& grep gnuradio | grep installed
Is this the way things are supposed to be?

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