Hi list, this is my first post, congrats to all for GNUstep!
I am now learning Gorm and the following happens:
- openapp Gorm
- it says "Gorm has detected that you are using user bundles. Please
make certain that these are compatible with Gorm as some bundles can
cause issues which may corrupt your .gorm files." in a "User bundle
warning" box
- a box "Illegal Class Substitution" appears saying "A bundle has
invoked 'poseAsClass:', this could corrupt .gorm files. Quitting.".
- Gorm quits
This has started happening since the install of Camaelon, which uses the
posaAsClass mechanism to substitue the GUI if I remember correctly.
Disabling the Camaelon theme(=putting an invalid path for it in the
.GNUstepDefaults) results in the first message only and then Gorm loads
What can be done about it? Is there a flag to tell Gorm to ignore this
or is it a Camaelon problem?
Googling around doesn't produce anything for that error.
I am running GNUstep from some days CVS (except for -gui which is a week
older but that should be irrelevant).


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