Some questions about relocatable packages:

1) Is possible install gnustep-base in other place than USER, LOCAL, SYSTEM,...? On wiki say that I can use my own GNUstep.conf file. But even when I point other directory to install this (on my personal dir), when I type "make install", I get the error:

/usr/bin/install: can't delete «/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/Additional/base.make»: Permission denied
make: *** [before-install] Error 1

Even when I try GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN=USER. Need I an special configuration to gnustep-make when build Base?

2) I suppose that GUI and Back don't need an special configuration, right?

3) What about my app, Need I build this with an special configuration? Or need an special configuration to gnustep-make when build the app?

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