OK, the problem was with header linux/sys.h. Even when I have installed this and ./configure don't say anything about this, when I build the framework, I get a warning about this header. I solved this with

./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/src/linux...

David Wetzel escribió:

this is on Ubuntu 10.04:

d...@pinguin:~/dev/gsweb/trunk/Examples/WebBookStore1$ make This is gnustep-make 2.4.0. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help. Making all for gswapp WebBookStore1... Creating WebBookStore1.gswa/.... Compiling file Application.m ... Compiling file Session.m ... Compiling file DirectAction.m ... Compiling file Main.m ... Compiling file WebBookStore1_main.m ... Linking gswapp WebBookStore1 ... Creating WebBookStore1.gswa/Resources... Creating WebBookStore1.gswa/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist... cat: Resources/Info-WebBookStore1.plist: No such file or directory Creating WebBookStore1.gswa/Resources/WebServer... Copying webserver resources into the gswapp wrapper... Copying resources into the gswapp wrapper...
So something is wrong on your machine. Did you source the GNUstep.sh?


Am 14.08.2010 um 23:12 schrieb German Arias:

I get the error:

Compiling file Main.m ...
Compiling file WebBookStore1_main.m ...
Linking gswapp WebBookStore1 ...
/usr/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries/libGSWDatabase.so: undefined reference to 
/usr/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries/libGSWDatabase.so: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

On Ubuntu 9.10 with GNUstep and GSWeb from SVN. Any idea?

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