On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 23:10, Riccardo Mottola <mul...@ngi.it> wrote:

> Even with just gnustep-core you have enough power to write a portable (to
> the mac) application of the caliber of a full office suite. It was done on
> OpenStep, it oculd be done again. Of course this is not a "direct porting".
> But if porting is desired, it can be considered in the application design
> phase already. This is done for other libraries like GTK, QT or Wx.

Very true!

Still, the problem remains that existing apps are not necessarily easily
portable ("just recompiled"), that the target environment is not very
receptive for mass-market commercial apps, and that even the best planning
would mean that one platform would be underserved, or that development time
might prolong. If I develop a commercial blog writing tool, what kind of a
market will I have on GNUstep? Will I be able to "just use" various eyecandy
API available on OS X? :-)

These are all reasons why many commercial vendors do not turn they eyes
toward GNUstep.

* that does not mean GNUstep is not helpful -- because it is!
* that does not mean it cannot be used to produce quality apps -- because it
can, and hopefully we'll all prove it!
* that does not mean it is not powerful -- because it is! On the developer
side, and by its design, I strongly feel it is the most powerful FLOSS
environment. (I hope to try out Etoile one day or the other and see how far
along is the user experience in a GNUstep-based desktop environment.)

Ivan Vučica
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