On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 4:46 AM, Germán Arias <germanan...@gmx.es> wrote:

> * Opal backend:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnustep/2013-09/msg00173.html
> * UIKit for GNUstep (Opal backend is necessary for this? Or better if we
> use directly OpenGL ES?)

I'll restate what my thoughts on this are.

For UIKit, there are two approaches I personally would consider okay:

** Build a new implementation on top of Core Animation. Do not update
AppKit to be Core Animation-capable.
This one does not require finishing Opal backend, or writing code that
would integrate CA into AppKit. Required is fixing/finalizing Core
Animation and carefully structuring UIKit -- from scratch.

** Update AppKit to be Core Animation-capable. Reuse Chameleon as an
implementation of UIKit on top of AppKit.
This one requires:
- getting -gui to render everything using Opal
- fixing/finalizing Core Animation (as documented multiple times -- it
should not redraw every frame if no animation happened, the code needs
cleanup, etc)
- adding NSView categories into the Core Animation library (to avoid
actually making -gui depend on CA)
- compile Chameleon and pray everything works
- when it doesn't, fix issues, if needed submit a patch upstream, and go to
previous step
Ivan Vučica
Discuss-gnustep mailing list

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