To clarify I'm saying Cairo should be the default.  No option for the GDI
backend should be offered.

On Wednesday, February 10, 2016, Gregory Casamento <>

> I also firmly believe that Cairo shouldn't be an option.  GDI has been
> deprecated for 10 years now.  It's time to get rid of the GDI based back
> end.
> On Wednesday, February 10, 2016, Riccardo Mottola <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2016-02-11 00:01:41 +0100 Gregory Casamento <>
>> wrote:
>> I'm wondering why we having heard all of these issues from apps which are
>>> in production with the windows theme... not just production but wide
>>> spread
>>> production (e.g. TestPlant).
>> e.g... the only single example you know.
>> The most evident fault with refresh can be seen with PopUp buttons and
>> Menus. Several (but not *all* of them, why it is obscure) will not update
>> their selection upon.. slection. SO the user can't really see what he
>> selected. Or, if they work isntead, they are surrounded by an ugly border.
>> This per se is a blocker. I remember there were other issues, but need to
>> check. Right now I only test the theme, while all users stick with the
>> standard theme in production use.
>> Perhaps your "wide spread" production user never attempted to have a menu
>> that does not fit on a screen and scroll? With an external monitor or a
>> beamer attached?
>> Perhaps your "wide spread" production user doesn't make extensive use of
>> tables either.
>>> If it's so crashy why has none of this been reported?  Additionally, I
>> The crash is difficult to reproduce, but it is there. I have people
>> working for hours with a certain application. Using the standard theme, it
>> works. Using the WinUX theme at one point (might be one hour or more) it
>> will have issues finding base and gui DLLs, while cliking or even
>> refreshing the use interface. If it weren't wor the extreme usage that the
>> application gets without the Theme, I wouldn't attribute it to WinUX, but
>> it has been proven by difference on different Windows setups, both Win7 and
>> Win8.
>> haven't seen a crash in it.   We already have a solution for in-windows
>>> menus which brings up a default document when the theme is active.
>> That solution is a palliative and is not generic. Not all application are
>> required to have a "default" document, since that works only for Editors
>> and not viewers.
>> So.... you're point is!?
>> Simple: it is nice, it can have its uses, but it is absolutely not ready
>> for prime time. Worse: While the standard theme is out of place it works
>> and provides most features, while the WinUX theme will leave the user with
>> a spotty working interface, thus giving the already spotty GS usage a dent.
>> Given that I spent countless nights (with kind support of a colleague
>> knowledgeable of windows) to figure out why weren't theming properly on
>> windows7 and window8 in a "true native" way but in some sort of legacy mode
>> (and fixing it), I may qualify as interested. But I can't deploy two
>> specific apps with it in production and e.g. other apps like PRICE and
>> LaternaMagica experience glitches with the WinUX native theme.
>> If bug fixes will happen, perhaps with the next release. If no fixes,
>> then it stays as is.
>> Riccardo
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> -

Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant -
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