PikoPixel is a free, open-source (AGPLv3) pixel-art editor for Mac OS X & GNUstep. A new version, 1.0 BETA9, is now available.

   New in 1.0 BETA9:
- Users’ custom grid & background pattern presets can now be used when exporting images
- GNUstep: Custom UI theme (in-window menus, improved contrast)
- GNUstep: Various fixes & tweaks

   Screenshot of PikoPixel 1.0 BETA9, running on Debian 9:

PikoPixel 1.0 BETA9 for GNUstep must currently be built from source code (no downloadable binaries yet); It's compatible with either of GNUstep's compiler+runtime setups (GCC+gobjc or clang +objc2), and requires the following GS library versions (or later):
GNUstep Base: v1.24.9 (released Mar. 20, 2016)
GNUstep GUI & Back: v0.25.0 (released Jun. 15, 2016)

PikoPixel's source archive is available from its website or from the GNUstep Software Index:

Please send questions, comments, or issues to pikopixel (at) twilightedge (dot) com.



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