This is really weird. Could it be that a theme is causing this? If not I would 
as always suggest to run the program under valgrind to see what is the real 
cause of the issue. You could also try to output the variable „anImage“ instead 
of „_app_icon“ and try to inspect that with the command „p *anImage“.

We could try to make the image loading lazy, which would move it back a bit 
again. But first we should try to understand what is going on on your machines 
and why this is only happening there.

> Am 01.08.2018 um 23:12 schrieb Riccardo Mottola <>:
> Wolfgang Lux wrote:
>> This stack trace looks fairly weird to me; it seems like the debug info does 
>> not match the code. This reminds me of situations where my programs got 
>> linked to two different versions of a GNUstep library (a newer one used 
>> directly from the application and an older one linked indirectly from some 
>> library/bundle that I forgot to recompile). You might check using
>>   info sharedlibrary
>> from the gdb prompt and looking for more than one instance of 
>> in the list.
> the gentoo stack was a bit short.
> I cleaned debian and now get a similar trace. I had an older version of GUI 
> installed (older number shouldn't matter, but it did) so here it is, now the 
> code lines do match.
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0xb7b3b1a6 in -[NSApplication setApplicationIconImage:] (
>    self=0xb7b384f7 <-[NSApplication(Private) _loadAppIconImage]+503>,
>    _cmd=0x8128a88, anImage=0xb7ed3238 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+3256>)
>    at NSApplication.m:2392
> 2392      imageSize = [_app_icon size];
> #0  0xb7b3b1a6 in -[NSApplication setApplicationIconImage:] (
>    self=0xb7b384f7 <-[NSApplication(Private) _loadAppIconImage]+503>,
>    _cmd=0x8128a88, anImage=0xb7ed3238 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+3256>)
>    at NSApplication.m:2392
> #1  0xb7ed3230 in _OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE ()
>   from /System/Library/Libraries/
> #2  0xb7b384f7 in -[NSApplication(Private) _loadAppIconImage] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7ed2c08 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1672>) at NSApplication.m:3834
> #3  0xb7b40c31 in -[NSApplication _init] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7ed2c68 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1768>) at NSApplication.m:885
> #4  0xb76a51ea in -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7a24af8 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+280>,
>    aSelector=0xb7ed2c68 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1768>, anObject=0x8128a88)
>    at NSObject.m:2009
> #5  0xb7711a43 in -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) 
> performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7a24c00 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+544>,
>    aSelector=0xb7ed2c68 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1768>, aThread=<optimized out>,
>    anObject=0x8128a88, aFlag=1 '\001', anArray=0x81ba818) at NSThread.m:2136
> #6  0xb770d4c3 in -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) 
> performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7a24c08 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+552>,
>    aSelector=0xb7ed2c68 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1768>, anObject=0x8128a88,
>    aFlag=1 '\001', anArray=0x81ba818) at NSThread.m:2095
> #7  0xb770fb77 in -[NSObject(NSThreadPerformAdditions) 
> performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7ed2c70 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1776>,
>    aSelector=0xb7ed2c68 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1768>, anObject=0x8128a88,
>    aFlag=1 '\001') at NSThread.m:2105
> #8  0xb7b3f68e in -[NSApplication init] (self=0x8128a88,
>    _cmd=0xb7ed29d0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1104>) at NSApplication.m:984
> #9  0xb7b36580 in +[NSApplication sharedApplication] (
>    self=0xb7ed35c0 <_OBJC_Class_NSApplication>,
>    _cmd=0xb7ec73c8 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+872>) at NSApplication.m:851
> #10 0xb7b1e972 in NSApplicationMain (argc=1, argv=0xbffff444) at 
> Functions.m:78
> #11 0x08048da7 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff444, env=0xbffff44c) at main.m:33
> (gdb) p _app_icon
> $1 = (struct NSImage *) 0x548b0cc4
> (gdb) po _app_icon
> Cannot access memory at address 0x548b0cc4
> a situation similar to the Gentoo box.
> I have this failing on Gentoo, Ubuntu, Solaris 10 however it works on my 
> FreeBSD box. The former are all GCC builds, the working one is GCC and 64bit 
> amd64. But I don't think if this is relevant
> Riccardo
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