Wolfgang Lux wrote:
I finally managed to reproduce the crash, once I've noticed that you are 
compiling on a 32-bit OS rather than 64-bits (any reason for not using 64-bits 
nowadays?). Setting a breakpoint on the setApplicationIconImage: and then 
stepping through that method I found that the code crashes here:
2385      miniWindowSize = [GSCurrentServer() iconSize];

And stepping into that method the problem is that GSCurrentServer() return a 
null pointer. I've committed a fix now to handle this case.

It fixes it, I quickly tested on one laptop (NetBSD 8), will test on the rest as soon as possible!

I use 32bit when the hardware below is 32bit :) The ThinkPads I worked on these weeks were all 32bit indeed, except by change the two 64bit systems I used... were runninf FreeBSD! Unlucky coincidence to diagnose.

Actually SPARC was 64bit, but it has always issues.

I will try my best to test on more systems, including OpenBSD 32bit and 64bit before holidays and report back!

I wonder however now if the patch is corect, since Gregory changed initialization order. I also wonder more about the behaviour we are having:

- app starts I see a grey icon bouncing in the WM dock
. once completed, the icon appears

I think we should tell the windowmanager (perhaps needed only for WindowMaker) the tiff file, so that it displays the "icon" immediatly while launching without the need of having a bacckend, later then the app icon can be shown/subsitituted For most application this doesn't make a difference.

E.g. with batmon, I would expect this:
- during start, seeing the static application icon (which is teh same that neesd
- once started, see the battery level

instead it remains grey and then just shows the battery level.

Last question then: I think all this fix was about telling WindowMaker the icon, so that it could be "docket" succesfully and the Icon remain in the dock once closed, something which used to work, but it doesn't and Greg's patch does not fix that. So what does it fix?


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