Hi Johannes,

don't hijack threads :-P I almost missed your mail.

Johannes Brakensiek wrote:
Another topic that's quite important for me to get into developing a
serious app is a stable and decent clang build and run environment. I'm
considering this as important as providing some nice looking graphics
(which Bertrand is providing f.e.) to make GNUstep GUI a little more
convenient to use and more successful in numbers of users.

A convenient advice: that is why I love GCC. On *all* my systems except FreeBSD and OpenBSD, it is the most reliable way to install and get GNUstep running.

So I'm really missing some packages providing this for GNU/Linux x64
(and maybe armhf using the runtime version 1.9). I'd like to see this
being done usinghttps://openbuildservice.org/  f.e. Maybe I'll have some
time to look into this at the end of the year.

By using GCC, I run GNUstep reliably on Raspberry PI 1 with NetBSD and Raspbian, and on PI3 with, again, Raspbian. Wonderful how data-extraction tools and visualization tools I use on other high-end systems with GNUstep run fine on the PI-3, to the point where I will probably make a demo-device of it as soon as I can.

I highly appreciate the hard work of commitment and love of the
community in the past to achieve what GNUstep currently is. But in my
point of view it needs some further work and some concentration on
delivering a convenient user and developer experience today.

Just checked that GWorkspace and PDFKit run fine on NetBSD/amd64 9.99 . Some minor fixes where needed.


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