> Am 23.12.2021 um 14:44 schrieb Gustavo Tavares <gustavotava...@mac.com>:
> What do I love most about Cocoa?

[note: here I read "Cocoa" more precisely as "Objective-C + 
Base/GUI-Frameworks". There was a JAVA binding for Apple Cocoa long time ago 
which I did not love equally well.]

> You can actually read your code 6 months laters.

Not only that. You can easily read code written by someone else 60 or even more 
months later.

I randomly picked some 5 years old code from github: 

> The parameters are labeled appropriately—and many `selectors` are English 
> phrases.


> Concepts are more important than saving a character here and there.

I agree that I don't like the abbreviationism of some other languages which has 
the wrong focus of saving characters during typing...

> I would go as far as to say that Cocoa is the most readable API of all.

And if you avoid the . notation for calling methods it is even more readable. 
Brad Cox: everything in [ ] is a method call - except for C arrays. If you 
avoid . method calls even the opposite holds true.

In my experience the savings by @synthesisze for building getters/setters 
automatically saves only some minutes during coding. Where coding is just a 
small fraction of total project time. Most is debugging and refactoring code. 
Then it is important that the code is readable without deciphering symbolic 

> So...what do you love about Cocoa?

See above :)


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