
An additional theme for your consideration...

Here is the rik theme...

Both are building and usable using the existing release of GNUstep.

Again, I would very much like to see what you consider to be modern as it
would provide us with a better idea of what to aim for.

Also, I see why you thought I was feeling attacked.  I said "You would be
wrong" in response to one of your statements, which I suppose could be
taken like that.  I didn't mean it to imply that you were attacking me.

You made a direct statement about the feasibility of using the existing
theming framework to achieve a modern look.  I made an equally direct
statement in response.   The purpose of my response was this... GNUstep has
code-based themes... in these, since they are using code to override how
things are drawn, a wide variety of variations IS possible.

Thanks, GC

On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 6:06 PM <> wrote:

> May I try to moderate here a bit.
> Greg, while your screenshots and links reflect the reality, it has to be
> said that those aren’t obvious and somewhat hard to find. I think we should
> admit that we are currently not good at communicating those achievements. I
> knew such a macOS like theme existed somewhere but wouldn’t know its name
> nor where to find it. I, for instance, was under the impression that the
> macOS like theme was something done by the etoile- (don’t ask me even about
> the correct spelling here, which accents to use where) project. All this
> information readily exists there is just no place where all this is
> gathered.
> We once had a wiki. we could revive it and collect all this information
> there as a start and then start to organize it (structure in into
> documentation, how tos and so on. write articles, link software repos and
> Linux packages).
> How would that be? Should we try to get the wiki back online and start
> collection information there?
> Kind regards,
> Lars
> Am 03.09.2023 um 22:08 schrieb Albert Palacios <>:
> I already said that I didn't want to create controversy, I'm sorry if my
> last email made you feel attacked. It wasn't the intention.
> I'm not sure what the theme of the first image is, but both images speak
> for themselves; neither of them represents what I understand as 'a modern
> theme’.
> If I'm not mistaken, the second image is related to the 'rik' theme. I've
> looked at some parts of this code, to develop the one I am working with.
> Mostly to build the base of the project and understand the naming
> conventions.
> Anyway, I think that the GitHub code of rik theme simply isn't
> functioning. But I may be wrong, last time I tried was a long time ago.
> El 3 set. 2023, a les 21:44, Gregory Casamento <>
> va escriure:
> I will address the portion in which you mention me...
> On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 1:54 PM Albert Palacios <>
> wrote:
>> Well, thank you for the answers and the attention you are giving to my
>> email.
>> *Gregory*: I'm very surprised by your statement:
>> "Myself and others are absolutely FOR creating new visual themes. I don't
>> know why the very common misconception persists that we aren't. The issue
>> is that many people don't look past the default theme which is what I
>> believe you're referring to. Changing the default is a bit difficult from a
>> code perspective.”
>> Well, the years go by, and there are no visual changes, tools or themes
>> that update the appearance of the GNUStep applications. Perhaps that's why
>> there's an impression that you have no interest in creating new themes.
> GNUstep has had theming capabilities for many years now... from a windows
> theme which uses native widgets...
> <WindowsTheme.jpeg>
> To a theme that approximates macOS...
> <MacLikeTheme.jpeg>
> Thematic has been announced and been available for quite a while now.
> What the issue I think is that we are simply bad at putting the word out.
> There's absolutely no documentation online about how to create a
>> modern-looking theme, are you saying it's possible?
> There is some documentation on this, but you're correct in that it is not
> easy to find.
>> I managed to start a new theme based on old code, lately also with help
>> from ChatGPT (Daniel got it right), and a lot of patience. But as I said,
>> the list of problems is long and I've given up. Right now, I believe
>> updating the look of GNUStep by simply developing a new theme isn't
>> feasible.
> You would be wrong.
> If I'm wrong, and you've done it several times for private projects, I'd
>> appreciate it if you could post a project or tutorial online for reference.
> I think you have an excellent point.   I have been doing a series on my
> youtube channel about GNUstep and will be trying to post something each day
> showing off different features.
> Here...
> I'm not sure if the GNUStep project is popular among businesses, looking
>> to migrate their apps to other systems, but I'm convinced it could be more
>> popular. Especially if updating its aesthetics was easier.
> I gave examples in my previous email about companies using GNUstep in
> production.  What I am working on is to make it more popular.  In my
> previous email I failed to mention algoriddim.   They are using GNUstep on
> windows under MSVC to build their app mentioned at the beginning of this
> thread.
>> Thank you for your attention, regards.
>> Albert
>> El 3 set. 2023, a les 18:11, Gregory Casamento <>
>> va escriure:
>> Hey Albert,
>> On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 5:30 AM Albert Palacios <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I don't want to upset anyone or start a war. I have been following the
>>> 'GNUStep' project with admiration for years and have held back from sending
>>> these comments so as not to disturb anyone. I truly offer them with a
>>> constructive spirit to help improve things.
>> Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
>> I know that some of the main GNUStep developers are against offering an
>>> updated visual theme, and in various interviews, they argue that this is
>>> the community's responsibility, implying that it's easy to do.
>> Myself and others are absolutely FOR creating new visual themes.  I don't
>> know why the very common misconception persists that we aren't.  The issue
>> is that many people don't look past the *default* theme which is what I
>> believe you're referring to.   Changing the default is a bit difficult from
>> a code perspective.
>>> But I've tried several times and encountered significant obstacles,
>>> which discouraged me from trying again. I may not remember everything, but
>>> basically:
>>>     • Themes don't offer an easy way to modify 'margins' and 'paddings'.
>>> The clearest example is menus; they're terribly condensed, and it's not
>>> possible (or simple) to space them out. Likewise, you can't modify the
>>> rounding of edges, change the 'mouseover' selection method, or adjust
>>> transparency.
>> You're correct, they don't do this unless they are code based themes.
>> There are two basic types of themes: one is code based where we have a
>> class compiled into the bundle that does custom rendering.  The other is
>> configuration based where it simply replaces images and makes certain
>> settings.  It would be a great enhancment to add more flexibility to
>> configuration based themes.
>>>     • There are library incompatibilities between OSX and GNUStep. Due
>>> to a lack of documentation, you can waste hours discovering that
>>> ‘NSBezelStyleRounded’ corresponds to ‘NSRoundedBezelStyle’ or that
>>> ‘NSButtonTypeMomentaryPushIn’ has an equivalent in ‘NSMomentaryPushButton’.
>> We do try to minimize the differences between the two since the aim of
>> GNUstep is to be compatible with Cocoa and provide some extensions when
>> possible.   But, you're correct... we do have a lack of documentation.  We
>> have a way of generating the documentation, but we have not posted it
>> recently.   It would be a good thing to do that with every release.
>>>     • GNUStep simply doesn't have a good animation system. In OSX, you
>>> can invoke NSAnimationContext and get a smooth transition with minimal
>>> effort. In GNUStep, I've tried animations, and the best I've achieved is
>>> with NSTimer. Still, they're so crude that I'm embarrassed to publish any
>>> application in those conditions. Maybe the problem is the same as before,
>>> and I haven't been able to find valid documentation and examples.
>> GNUstep currently has a placeholder implementation of NSAnimationContext,
>> so this is definitely an area we should start working on.
>>     • Trying to style most components can become a nightmare, even when
>>> you give up and decide to reimplement the “drawRect” method. Some
>>> components are simply different between OSX and GNUStep. For example,
>>> NSProgressIndicator displays squares and text titles unrelated to what
>>> you've previously programmed. Also, animations are not smooth and stop when
>>> interacting with the interface. Pressing a button in the same window with
>>> an indeterminate progress bar makes the animation pause. It's frustrating.
>>>     • Not to mention trying to create components that blend the title
>>> bar and toolbar like modern OSX applications. With GNUStep, it's simply
>>> impossible.
>> GNUstep can manage it's own decorations, but, unless it is doing that the
>> decorations (including the title bar) are managed by the window server
>> (whether that's X, Wayland, or Windows) this makes it impossible to draw
>> into them unless you have the setting which allows GNUstep to draw it's own
>> window decorations turned on.
>>> Beyond the inability to develop a modern-looking theme, other issues
>>> urgently need addressing:
>>>     • Having a GNUStep configuration folder in the 'home' directory is
>>> unacceptable to anyone mildly organized (or with obsessive-compulsive
>>> disorder). Can't you put a '.' before the name to make it hidden?
>> This is a good point.  I believe that it was initially done this way
>> because of integration with the WindowMaker window manager which does also
>> create a GNUstep folder in the user directory.   It might be worth
>> re-examining whether or not this is still needed, but it hasn't really been
>> a priority given all of the other work there is to do on the project.   As
>> RFM pointed out, in another email, this is configurable.
>>>     • Changing the system font or font size causes applications
>>> (especially buttons) to be inexplicably cut off. In 2023, for accessibility
>>> reasons, this is a 'must’.
>> This might be better handled now that we have a working implementation of
>> the constraints (i.e. view resizing and spacing) classes.
>>>     • The icons, this type of icons were not visually attractive even in
>>> the 90s. In fact, I think it was the first thing fixed for OSX Cheetah.
>> Again, these can be themed, but this really hasn't been a huge priority.
>> I genuinely don't want to upset anyone. I see the tremendous effort
>>> dedicated to GNUStep, which is why it angers me that more people aren't
>>> interested in using it. But I understand why.
>> We should probably emphasize the people and companies that do use us...
>>  here are a few examples:
>> * Eggplant - -- This is a company known as Keysight,
>> I work for them.  They started as Redstone and make a product known as
>> Eggplant, I helped them port it to Windows.  Windows is their PRIMARY
>> platform that they deploy on.  They use GNUstep to do all of this.  Some of
>> their clients are listed on their website.
>> * Apportable - They are defunct now, but their assets are used by
>> PocketGems.  If you have ever seen an applications that has been ported
>> from iOS to android it was likely done with their framework which is based
>> on GNUstep and contains their own UIKit classes for porting apps to other
>> mobile platforms.  I worked with them briefly because they consulted me
>> about the framework.
>> * ImmortalData - -- This company is an offshoot
>> of XCor (a space company that is now defunct) and is used to track data on
>> aircraft and spacecraft.  It uses GNUstep at it's core to record and track
>> and graph the data.  They also consulted with me.
>> * EngageHUB - They use GNUstep every day in production and it is run by
>> two of our members.
>> Additionally... many of the sites you see that have "coding" challenges
>> that use Objective-C are using GNUstep to do it.  I know this because I
>> have tested for GS specific things on them. :).  So, we are a bit more
>> widespread tha you think.  The above is just a list of some of the most
>> prominent companies involved.   Also important are the users and developers
>> in the community that love the project.   I would very much like to grow
>> that number so you're feedback is very much valued.
>>> I'm fortunate to work with teenagers interested in computing and
>>> programming. I can assure you, when they hear about GNUStep and see the
>>> aesthetics of the applications, they don't see any practical use. Let's be
>>> honest, if aesthetics weren't important, Apple wouldn't have spent a dollar
>>> updating them since the 90s. Yet they've consistently improved and updated,
>>> and their current theme isn't much different from 'Aqua', but it looks
>>> modern, clear, and clean (take a look at:
>> I do agree that athetics are extremely important for any API or toolkit
>> and that we do take it very seriously.  A considerable amount of time has
>> been spent in GNUstep on making it themable.  To the point where we can
>> make it blend in with OSX, Windows, or GTK based desktops.   There is still
>> a long walk left, however as we still have some shortcomings.
>>> There's significant interest in these libraries, and GNUStep is well
>>> ahead of other projects:
>>>     • The DarlingHQ project aims to adapt aesthetics to the 'host'
>>> system. They're years away from achieving this. Right now, they're more
>>> focused on low-level compatibility (and even across processor
>>> architectures) than improving graphic applications. This approach, adapting
>>> aesthetics to the 'host', will fail because OSX applications are designed
>>> only for OSX's visual components.
>> I don't think that's fair to say.  Darling's main purpose is to allow you
>> to run Mach-O executables on other platforms.  Unfortunately, the project
>> developer has chosen to use another framework to facilitate compatibility.
>> Said framework stopped development in 2008.
>>     • The RavynOS project may never be more than a 'diversion'. But
>>> they've attracted many people's attention with a single slogan: “Finesse of
>>> macOS. Freedom of FreeBSD”. They only have a visually appealing website and
>>> a lively Discord community, without even a decent demo. It's the exact
>>> opposite of GNUStep, yet they generate more interest.
>> RavynOS is trying to reimplement the ENTIRE macOS ecosystem which is NOT
>> the aim of the GNUstep project.
>>     • ElementaryOS started with a 'crazy' premise: Using a dead language
>>> (Vala) and constantly evolving libraries (Granite), you could develop
>>> applications with a contemporary aesthetic easily. They've always had
>>> excellent documentation and copy/paste-ready examples. This 'crazy' premise
>>> has grown into a strong developer and user community, primarily due to
>>> impeccable aesthetics for application components, icons, and user
>>> experience.
>> There are tons of examples of operating systems that try to imitate the
>> aesthetic of the mac, but never quite achieve the elegance that exists
>> within it.   Unfortunately, most people don't look beyond that.
>> From the points above, some keys to attracting more users emerge:
>>>     • Improve aesthetics
>>>     • Enhance documentation
>>>     • Provide small, 'ready to go' code examples that can be copied and
>>> pasted to start developing applications (or themes)
>>>     • Enhance the libraries themselves, such as animations and
>>> nomenclatures
>>>     • Improve development tools; a plugin for VisualStudioCode would be
>>> fantastic
>> All of these are excellent ideas.
>>> I repeat, I don't want to start a war or offend anyone. On the contrary,
>>> I recognize that GNUStep is an extraordinary project. But if there isn't a
>>> change in direction soon, it will remain a mere "curiosity" in computer
>>> history.
>> No, I don't think you're trying to start a war.  Part of being part of
>> any project is listening and taking to heart the suggestions and opinions
>> of those who use it.  If you care enough to write this email, then you,
>> obviously have a passion for the project and that should never be ignored.
>> Please feel free to share your opinions and speak your mind.  A healthy
>> project is one were dissenting or critical voices are always welcomed.
>> Kind regards,
>>> Albert
>> I appreciate your feedback.  If you are capable of helping us to address
>> some of the things you have mentioned, please feel free to do so.  I have
>> worked hard to minimize the barriers to entry on this project.   Your
>> suggestions and, indeed, any contributions you might wish to make are
>> encouraged and welcome.
>> Yours, GC
>>> > On 3 Sep 2023, at 04:22, Svetlana Tkachenko <>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Ubuntu have another model, they have several official flavors each
>>> showcasing another aspect of the platform. Perhaps this could be useful to
>>> show different configurations of GNUstep/WindowMaker rather than having
>>> only one as a reference.
>>> >
>> --
>> Gregory Casamento
>> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
>> -
>> - Become a Patron
>> - OpenHub standings
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> -
> - Become a Patron
> - OpenHub standings

Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant - - Become a Patron - OpenHub standings

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