The closest thing I can think of is PictureFrame…

It does show some weather data. GC

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 20:35 Marco Cawthorne <> wrote:

> On 2023-09-28 15:27:18 -0700 Paulo Delgado <>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm learning ObjC/GNUstep and decided to write a weather app as my
> > starter
> > project ( Initially I
> > was
> > pulling data from "" but I realized this wont be
> > sustainable as
> > because of the pricing limitations of each access token.
> >
> > I went out to see how other open source apps gather weather data and
> > in doing
> > so I checked out the GNOME weather app and found out there's a
> > library called
> > "libgweather" (
> >
> > Is there something similar in GNUstep? If not, would it be a good
> > idea to
> > write a clone of this library specifically for use of other GNUstep
> > apps?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Paulo Delgado
> >
> >
> Hello Paulo, there's been apps that have queried weather sources such
> as NOAA's National Weather Service without an API in the past. For
> example, wmweather asks you to provide the weather station identifier
> (such as EDDB, for Berlin) and you can get a METAR report via plain
> text here:
> That should be trivial to parse to not need a dedicated library,
> if you're aiming for minimalism anyway. However a dedicated library
> that uses that info, localizes it and exposes a very Cocoa-like API
> does sound like a useful project!
> -- Marco

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