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George Kirikos wrote:


| The key part is "MAY DENY A TRANSFER" (as opposed to "must"). I was
| under the impression that under the current rules, #8 is a "must", as
| it's prevented by the registry itself. Does that remain true? Or, would
| one be allowed to transfer before the 60 days now?

This is currently enforced by the registry, I don't expect a change to
the status quo.

| Also, for section #9, currently that is truly a "may", in that some
| registrars (like OpenSRS) allow transfers out before 60 days have
| elapsed after a transfer in, while some don't (I think GoDaddy
| doesn't). Will that continue to be allowed, or will OpenSRS turn that
| into a hard limit?

Can't speak for anyone, but this appears to be an optional "may" which
indicates that practices may vary from registrar to registrar.

- --

~ -rwr

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